Student Records Project

physical object

Year: 1986 Folder contains a photocopy of American National Standard Labels and IBM Standard Labels pages 61, 29, 63, 32, 69, and 37, Detailed Glossary by Location for File Definition - Regcacct Segment 68 Level 2, Detailed Glossary by Location for File Definition - Regcacct Segment 1 Level 1, University of Waterloo 050 DCS DP64 Dataproc, 2 copies of University of Waterloo File Dump Utility, dbdef.h, University of Waterloo 727 DCS DP64 Dataproc, SC3660C Pliopt B1, Table Tre21003, Table Tre48103, Table Tre48091, Table Tre48027, Table Tre48026, Table Tre21005, Table Tre21001, Table Tre21002, Table Tre21003, Table Tre21004, Detailed Glossary by Location for File Definition - Regcompt Segment 2 Level 1, Detailed Glossary by Location for File Definition - Biocompt Segment 1, Level 1, A Student/Course Data Base for Computer Account Authorization by Dave Mason Date: Oct 23, 1989, and 2 sheet of VPU Print Page. Programs: .main.b, findcourse.b, maklegal.b, is_course.b, ..mainfs, process.b, getcourses.b. Handwritten notes: Match Output Record Format, Program Overview, Database Format, Program Function Library, Math Faculty Extent.

Related people
Ray Butterworth (was donor of)
Lynn Qin (is documentarian of)