Commodore SuperPet SP9000
Commodore SuperPet SP9000
Commodore SuperPet SP9000
Commodore SuperPet SP9000
Commodore SuperPet SP9000

Commodore SuperPet SP9000

physical object

Trevor Grove's Commodore SuperPET SP9000. This computers factory serial number is SP0003698. Model number REV 9000. The front of this computer is labelled "0003698" on a piece of tape. The Commodore SuperPET was developed by the Computer Systems Group to meet the need of a more powerful computer to run the sophisticated programming languages developed by CSG for use in teaching Computer Science at Waterloo. The unique feature of the SuperPET is that it has *2* complete "brains" - the original 6502-based board that came with the PET and a 6809 16-bit board that was added in to run the software developed at the University of Waterloo.
Related Term
Desktop Computers (describes)

Related people
Trevor R. Grove (was donor of)
Tyler Savard (is documentarian of)