Second Annual Conference of the UW Centre for the New Oxford English Dictionary and Text Research Advances in Lexicology


TABLE OF CONTENTS Morpheme-based Lexical Analysis. Manfred Gehrke, Hans-Ulrich Block The Role of Etymology and Word Length in English Word Formation Frank Anshen, Mark Aronoff, Roy Byrd, Judith Klavans The saural Knowledge Representation . Sally Yeates Sedelow, Walter A. Sedelow Jr. Explicit and Implicit Information in Dictionaries. Beryl T. Atkins, Judy Kegl, Beth Levin Building a Lexical Database by Parsing Webster's Seventh New Collegiate Dictionary. Thomas Ahlswede, Martha Evens, Kay Rossi, Judith Markowitz A Project for a Bilingual Lexical Database System. Nicoletta Calzolari, Eugenio Picchi Towards an Objective Analysis of the Age and Origins of the English Vocabulary. Peter Davies The Lexicon and Commonsense Reasoning: A Case Study. Alexander Nakhimovsky A Conceptual Dictionary for Contextually Based Structure Selection. Fabrizio Sebastiani, Giacomo Ferrari, Irina Prodanof Why Dictionaries Should List Case Structure. Graeme Hirst

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