Marsland Messenger [Issue 11] (October 1973)

physical object

Marsland Engineering Ltd was a high-tech engineering company based in Waterloo, ON whose popularity and success peaked around the 1960s. During their time as a super giant in Canadian technology, Marsland would produce newsletters surrounding company events and employees. As usual, this issue of Marsland Messenger included their opinion polls, movie/book review section, and hotline section. More interestingly, this issue also offers a deeper look into the infamous Marsland company picnics. The picnic would include races, horseshoe tournaments, a mock "fishpond," pony rides, and a dunk tank. Popsicles, ice-cream, pop and KFC were served at the picnic. Raffles were also done, the prizes consisting of a colour TV, speakers, a BBQ, a camera, and a bicycle.
Related Term
magazines (describes)

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Dennis Ahrens (was donor of)
Annabel Chow (is documentarian of)