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Waterloo Pascal Primer and Reference, 3rd Edition
FD Boswell, TR Grove, EW Mackie
Waterloo Pascal Primer and Reference, 3rd Edition
FD Boswell, TR Grove, EW Mackie

Waterloo Pascal Primer and Reference, 3rd Edition FD Boswell, TR Grove, EW Mackie


Waterloo Pascal Primer and Reference, 3rd Edition (1987) Authors FD ( Dave) Boswell, TR (Trevor) Grove, EW (Eric) Mackie The definitive Reference for Waterloo Pascal plus an introductory Primer for programming in Pascal. Three copies under this item number.
Related Term
manuals (describes)
External links
Waterloo Pascal Description from the CSG website (dated).
Related people
Trevor R. Grove (is documentarian of)
Trevor R. Grove (was donor of)